Price: £80 per hour. Pay for 6 sessions in advance and get the 7th free.
Because of busy lifestyles and working hours, I also offer Skype or FaceTime sessions. Please enquire here.
Psychotherapy is often more helpful for emotional problems and mental health conditions that have built up over years, rather than at a time of crisis or distress.
As a fully qualified psychotherapist, I can help you come to a fuller understanding of your abilities, difficulties or worries. Over time, this can in turn help to deal with troublesome habits, find strategies for resolving problems, and give you a sense of mastery over your feelings, thoughts and behaviours.
I can help you to discuss in absolute confidence feelings that you have about yourself and other people – no matter how difficult it may seem, or how secret they need to remain.
If anything I’ve mentioned on here sounds like something you may be suffering with, please get in touch. We can discuss whether a psychotherapist approach might work for you. Please call me on 07903752248 or email christineelvin@hotmail.co.uk.